Recording people’s stories is a way to honor them and validate their experiences. The act of reading someone’s stories, and recognizing a bit of ourselves in them, lets us know we are not alone. I’d love to hear what you have to say.
All submissions will be published anonymously. If you choose to send me a photo as well, I will convert it into a beautiful work of digital art to post along with your story.
All contributors whose stories are published will be sent a custom canvas tote bag with your unique digital art.

Latest Entries


“There’s just a feel thing, and it’s hard to describe. It’s how you relate to the world and the things in it. Some people are remarkably gifted at learning languages. Some people are polymaths and Read more…

Stick With Me

“My “velcro” horse abandoned me in the woods and I need to vent. After it rained for almost a month straight, it finally was sunny enough to go for a ride. All went pretty well, Read more…