
 I’ve spent my life in a barn. I’ve had some good times. Lots of laughs. Some over situations only other barn rats would find funny.

There’s been some not-so-great times as well. Throughout the years I have struggled with loneliness, depression, and feelings of not being “enough”. These feelings can be pretty isolating.

So I decided to embark on a journey of connection, to unite barn rats everywhere by collecting the stories and experiences we all seem to have in common and sharing them among the community.

Recording people’s stories is a way to honor them and validate their experiences. The act of reading someone’s stories, and recognizing a bit of ourselves in them, lets us know we are not alone. I’d love to hear what you have to say. 

You can send me your story via email to aj.barnrat@gmail.com, or use the online submission form. 

All submissions will be published anonymously. If you choose to send me a photo as well, I will convert it into a beautiful work of digital art to post along with your story. All contributors whose stories are published will be sent a custom canvas tote bag with your unique digital art.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy the journey.

~A. Journeyman Barnrat