Square Peg, Round Hole
We got this one gelding from a high end hunter barn. He’d been a part of their lesson string but just didn’t seem to want to fill that position. Although he was in his early teens and had all the buttons installed he had a tendency to bolt and buck, seemingly out of nowhere. He’d tossed enough students that the program wisely decided to find him a new career.
This was a horse who hadn’t been abused or neglected. When he came to us he was just frustrated. He’d simply been in the wrong job for a very long time and had some trauma associated with that. Square peg round hole situation. It didn’t help that he was the type to internalize things. He seemed perfectly OK with a situation until he wasn’t. And when he wasn’t he let you know in a big way.
It took a little time. He definitely taught us to slow down around him. He hated to be rushed and would pin his ears and snit if you did. He also preferred routine. Once he was convinced that it was going to be the same people coming in and out every day and that his meals and turn out were not going to be dependent on the day’s lesson schedule he seemed to mellow a bit.