Story Prompts

  1. What is the biggest challenge you have ever faced with horses? Did you overcome it? If so, how?

  2. What fears hold you back, and what steps have you taken towards overcoming them?

  3. Are there any particularly funny, horrifying, or heartwarming moments you remember from a barn you were a part of?

  4. Is there a horse in your past that you wish you still had? What happened? How did you part ways?

  5. Have you ever volunteered your time to a farm or other equine organization? What prompted you to do so?

  6. Who was the most influential person in your equestrian journey? What made that person so special?

  7. Have you ever made a fresh start at a new barn, with a new horse, or in a new discipline? How did that change affect your life?

  8. Tell the story of a time you tried something new.

  9. Can you think of a time when something bad (losing a horse, having a fall) ended up being a catalyst for a new beginning?
  1.  Was there a horse in your life that was a bad fit, but yet you hung on to them anyway, trying to work things out? What made you keep trying?

  2.  Do you have any keepsakes from a special horse, event , or time in your life? What is it and why is it so special to you? What memories does seeing it invoke?

  3. It said that you have to give up something in order to get something else. What have you given up for horses, and what have you gotten in return?

  4. Think about the last time you woke up at 4am, in a cold sweat. What was on your mind and how did you resolve it? Did you feel differently about it in the daylight?

  5. What is your personal manifesto? What are the core principles and values that guide everything you do in life?
  6. Write an open letter to a person or group of people you strongly disagree with and explain why. Use reason not emotion.

  7. Write about a time you had to swallow your pride and do something that made you uncomfortable, either morally or physically.