We can only control what we can control.

Published by A.J. Barnrat on

“I had my jumper until she was 21. Got her when she was five. Age caught up. You would never know her age. She still acted like she was 7. 

Trying to keep her body up with her head was hard. She wasn’t one that was ready to retire.

 I am conservative on injections.  Tried supplements, chiro. You name it I did it to keep her comfortable and sane. Finally I had to inject her coffins. The best vet in the state did it. I get knee injections too so I said ‘Ok, just let’s not make a habit of if we can.’

She went septic overnight. Immediately sent her to the nearest university hospital. The only option was surgery which would have a hard recovery if it even worked. I loved her too much to do that. Money wasn’t a problem. I would sell my soul for her. But I knew she would be miserable, in pain. Would that be worth it just for me to be happy she was alive? Hardest decision of my life. That day will always haunt me but I know I would do it again. I know we did everything right, but we can only control what we can control.”


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